The conditions we treat.

Conditions treated


Low back pain & sciatica

Back pain affects 80% of the population in the UK. The most common reasons for back pain and sciatica  are related to  poor posture, poor working habits, improper lifting and repetitive stress which develop over a period of time (weeks, months or even years). They are not commonly related to “trauma” ie a road traffic accident,  however people can  occasionally present to the clinic following such an  event.

All these factors can combine causing stress to the spine leading to dysfunctional joints and inflammation. This generally leads to muscle tightness and spasms.

Chiropractic adjustments are therefore necessary to try and restore the normal movement of the joint in question.  By doing this the muscles are able to  return to a more relaxed state, eventually resolving the back pain after a series of adjustments.

Degenerative arthritis

There are many forms of Arthritis but more commonly individuals over the age of 50 have a condition called “Osteoarthritis”. If this is specific to the spine then it is called Spondylosis or Spondylitis. 

There are many factors that predispose the spine or other structures to “Arthritis”, these include Occupation ( sitting too long, incorrect lifting/bending), weight, diet, past trauma ( falls/car accidents)

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis include stiffness and ache/ pain. Due to the stresses that get placed on the spine the cartilage within the joints can wear down.

Chiropractic can make a difference because we isolate joints that are not moving correctly and try and restore the normal functioning of the joint,  The adjustments are often gentle and well tolerated by patients and along with correct advice patients often notice a great difference to pain levels and mobility after a series of treatments. By correcting joint function it prevents the joint and the surrounding joints to less stress reducing the rate of progression of Arthritis.


Disc pain

10-15% of patients presenting to the Chiropractic office experience leg pain associated with a pinched nerve in the  Lower back. The pain is often “shooting” and  can be excruciating. This is often combined with numbness and tingling in the lower leg  and foot.  Patients  find it hugely difficult to bend at all without experiencing pain in the leg. Also coughing and sneezing can cause the pain.

Using their  knowledge of Neurology Chiropractors are able to detect which nerve is  affected in the individuals lower back. They then can employ a specific adjustment to the area to alleviate the pressure that is placed on the nerve from the disc.

Patients often find that with a series of adjustments their symptoms in the leg and foot resolve.

Neck & shoulder pain

Neck pain is another common condition that patients present to the clinic with. Pain is often associated with restriction in mobility and spasms. Patients can also but not as often present with pain in the arm that is being referred from a part of the neck. 

Chiropractors are able to detect where the problem is and  give a patient an accurate diagnosis after giving the patient a full thorough examination. This will include a Neurological, Orthopaedic and Chiropractic examanination.

Shoulder problems are a common problem that present to the Clinic. The reasoning behind this is that the Shoulder joint is a highly mobile joint in comparison to the hip joint and is therefore less stable as a result of the freedom of movement. The mode of onset of a Shoulder pain can arise from a fall, lifting injuries or related  to a direct blow to the shoulder.  Patients often present with constant pain or pain related to lifting the arm in certain positions. This is linked in to restriction and pain of movement.  Chiropractors are able to accurately diagnose the problem and then provide a schedule of care to help correct the problem.


“The treatment provided by Dr Farrell has allowed me to go about my daily activities with no hindrance at all”

— Mr Darren Mack

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